Norah's DARs Space: Creativity, Artistry & Knowledge

Greetings...I hope this space finds you well and with good spirits...Yours Madly, Norah.

Location: DC/MD, United States

Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Daughter's Newly Discovered Interest: The World of Competitive Cheerleading

As the advertised saying goes, "Image is everything." I have always, whole-heartedly believed this not to be true. Nevertheless, fighting the status quo for sometime regarding my own outlook on life and perception of self has become overshadowed and outweighed by a simple thing known as my children's happiness. Participating in "silly" holidays, enjoying playgrounds, going on corny bikerides have all become past times that we now eagerly anticipate... actually intitate all for the sake of creating a Positive Healthy Childhood for our 2 children.
Today... the Spirit Unlimited Cheerleading Competition( at the University of Maryland College Park! As my daughters dreams danced and flipped before her with excitement to some of the most surprisingly exhilirating DJ'd mixes I've heard in many years, I realized that this life of mine is no longer just about me. So this reflection of my day, before we begin a new week: Enjoy every moment that you have with Great Energy and a Positive Spirit and pass it on...

One More By: NAB
(In awe of my sister-in-law; spinning dreams for my daughter and nieces...)

The Challenge was in the ascent.
Defying gravity.
Exercising the ability to propel upward
one's body by sheer will.
Worshipping an electric disregard
for fear.
Time ceases to exist.
The air is thick up there due to its ferocious
intent to oppose the force of that which
is entering its domain.
Bending fear.
Twisting fate.
Descending with the high of accomplishment.
Stunt achieved.
Youth absorbed most.
Time has raced forward.
The desire remains.
She has conceded.
This present realization no longer
allows for the shock of youths all to
distant landings.
So, she creates.
The little ones are learning now.
Defying gravity.
Bending fear.
Twisting fate.
Her youth absorbing the shock that
in time the body will pray thee
no more.

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